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Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, hailing from Perth, Western Australia have been releasing records & touring like dogs for the last 6 years. After a short break to prepare their new record(due May 2025), they’re kicking off the new year with a blast of brand new music in the form of “March On For Pax Ramona”. Recognisable in true inimitable Porn Crumpets style, it’s a frenetic journey with a heavy dosage of riffs, pounding bass & thumping drums, but still making space for Jack McEwan’s call-to-action vocals to take a lead role.

Certain to be a live favourite, “March On..” is a taster of things to come from the bands upcoming 7th record, more details of which is coming soon.

After an huge touring year in 2024, with sold out runs in both UK, Europe & North America, the band will be hitting the road in Australia(March 2025), North America(April/May 2025) and are pleased to announce a series of underplay album launch shows in UK/EU.

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Doors: 19:00

Price: £20 + booking fee

Ages: All (u16s accompanied)

The Fleece
12 St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JJ